WellBeing Testimonials
What people say about my work as a Medical Herbalist:
Benn sat down with me analyzing my past, current and future concerns. The introduction to herbal medicine was incredibly thorough, informative and so very necessary at this time in my life. Everything from family, emotional and mental health was addressed. From there Benn analyzed and crafted a unique concoction of herbs and flower remedies to assist with the balancing of my hormones due to PCOS. At times also, Benn helped me through my grief with transitional and motivational messages, phone calls and guidance during a series of extreme rough patches. Benn has been a great mentor in the short while that I’ve known him.
My experience working with Benn was extremely pleasant. You helped me see the bigger picture in analyzing my health and working on my journey with grief. Benn was always very professional, informative and on-time in regards to appointments, supplements, etc. Benn’s ease in which he communicates was a very friendly, concerned and helpful manner that made me feel like you truly did look out for each individual customer of yours, tailoring to their needs.
My cycles are regular (they were irregular after the pill and due to my PCOS), personally tailored flower essences have helped me deal with extremely rough patches in my life (loss of a family member, painful separation from significant other, moving overseas). I’ve become much more in tune and aware of my emotional well being alongside my health. To physically note, not only did my cycle regulate but my skin calmed down (cystic acne) and my varicose veins (hereditary) stopped progressing. I am now able to calmly go about my day in stressful situations and respond not react to predicaments I may find myself in.
I had to contact you to thank you for the positive changes I have experienced since visiting you a short while ago. The allergy testing identified a couple of food types that I should be avoiding, and hey presto, since I have excluded them from my diet, my general feeling of well-being has really improved! I also wanted to thank you for the time and interest you took in my particular case. My best wishes and thanks to you again.
(Following a VEGA Test & Herbal Consultation)
I had a very positive experience of Benn’s very professional approach. He listened to everything I had to say and put together a holistic plan for getting to the bottom of the issues that I was having.
I experienced great results from the off-set of seeing Benn. My energy levels increased, bloating levels reduced significantly, I experienced less headaches and my muscular tension reduced. After trying many different routes to get to the bottom of the issues I was having, I was delighted to find Benn who put together a holistic approach to resolve my issues. I would definitely recommend Benn to anyone seeking holistic therapy.
Intolerance testing changed my life- showing a reaction to wheat and yeast – I changed my diet immediately :- very soon shooting pains down my limbs ceased. Pain and swelling in my hand joints disappeared after about six weeks (my consultant said nothing could be down about them).
I have no indigestion or discomfort now after food and no bloated stomach.
I immediately began to lose weight – 18lbs within one month – making me feel really good, fitter and younger than I had felt in years.
Benn had a consultation with me to find out how bad my repetitive stress injury was. Having been to the GP and had a prescription that didn’t work I was mildly doubtful that anything would really make a difference. After a longish conversation with Benn he gave me some advice about foods to avoid and foods that would help and then sent me a bottle of ‘glop’ and some capsules with instructions on what to take, when and how often. I had a repeat ‘issue’ of these magical potions and, well before I finished that, my RSI had virtually disappeared. I’m very impressed. All I can say is that herbalism works! Thanks Benn.
(Following a VEGA Test)
We came to you over two years ago now at Windsor. This is just an update for you, S. is fantastic! She has just completed her equestrian course at college, is now training in floristry to come into our business, and concentrating on her dressage competing! She is a very very busy girl. This I am sure would not have been possible if we had not come to see you, the transformation was amazing in just a few days. She still keeps to her diet, but cheats an awful lot now! As soon as she eats too much food which doesn’t agree with her, she begins to feel “strange” and stops. It is her way of still eating some of her favourite foods.
Benn Abdy-Collins has a very calm and gentle approach, quickly putting you at ease. He helped me to regain my health by identifying various food intolerances for which he then created treatments for. I would recommend him highly to anybody wanting to work on their health, so much so that it’s become a family affair. Both my husband and daughter have seen him so we now all know what we can and can’t eat, with everyone feeling much better for it!
When I first visited Benn, I had been suffering with warts on my hands for approximately 5 years; I must have had about 10 – 12. About one month before I
saw Benn, I saw a skin specialist who , basically, said there was nothing I could do and the warts would eventually go away in time.
If I am honest, it was desperation more than anything that made me give Benn a call. The initial consultation was quite different to what I expected. Rather than just concentrating on my warts, Benn discussed my overall health and lifestyle, looking to tackle the cause of the warts rather than just the symptoms. This in itself was a valuable exercise. Following this, Benn provided me with a paint to apply to my warts, medicine to take, and certain supplements available from the health food shop. Benn went through with me the contents of the medicine, so I was comfortable with what I was taking. This initial course lasted 3 weeks, and I could see a marked improvement by the end of this. Benn then gave me a further 4 week course, and the warts continued to disappear. As I write, I am toward the end of a final 4 week course; all but 2 warts have totally disappeared and those 2 are gradually going away.
As well as curing my warts, as a result of my conversations with Benn I have gradually made changes to my lifestyle which are undoubtedly benefiting my overall health.
If anybody reading this had doubts about whether to try an alternative to “conventional” medicine I would urge them to do it. However, you must be prepared to go there with an open mind and be prepared to honestly discuss your health and lifestyle (don’t worry – Benn doesn’t ask questions of a “personal” nature!!), and then take the medicine/supplements as prescribed. I did and I am delighted with the success of the treatment.
I have known Benn since 2012 when i approached him for some treatment to help with eczema (a skin disorder) that Doctors and dermatologists had dismissed my condition for over 30 years.
When i met Benn he mentioned there was little likelihood of seeing immediate results. He was very clear and articulate in explaining to me how he could treat me and why, having provided an open, honest and detailed account of my personal and professional background.
Despite being sceptical, i had some hope and reassurance that through a proactive and methodical approach, he would not give up until he solved the problem. Indeed i noticed results within 2 weeks and have been symptom free of eczema since having struggled with medication, be it steroid tablets and/or creams/ointments on often irritable, itchy, weeping and sometimes bleeding skin which affected my mood, confidence and sleep for over 30 years.
His approach and treatment has helped me immeasurably and I would thoroughly recommend Benn to anyone. Indeed have done so with a friend who has also experienced similar success.
Benn, thank you!
Re: VEGA testing on my young daughter and myself
Benn confirmed my young daughter was intolerant to Diary products, Once I removed the dairy from her diet her overall health improved greatly. I bought her back the 2nd time (year later) and Benn tested her again this time she was able to tolerate Diary products, I introduced these lines slowly back into her diet and Yes she was fine.
I went to Benn for testing and although I had no intolerance I was lacking in many vital vitamins and minerals, Benn spent great time with me advising what I needed to take and where I could source them. I did go shopping the next day and within weeks of taking my vitamins I was feeling much better.
Both of our health’s have improved greatly and I would have no issues at picking up the phone to Benn if I needed any advice or another appointment.
Benn, you are amazing; you totally changed my life – I feel like a new person health-wise. Your knowledge & experience of diets & related issues is exceptional & presented with so much emotional intelligence as well! I have recommended you to all my family & friends and without exception, they felt totally sorted out.
I came to Benn for treatment as I was suffering from an immune and nervous system breakdown following a course of rabies vaccination that had gone terribly wrong. I needed my immune system boosted and increasing my energy levels as well as emotional support. I also suffer from chronic and very debilitating migraine episodes.
Having been a patient for over 18 months, I have come to know Benn on both a professional and personnal level and very much value his work, his wealth of knowledge as an herbalist, and his skills as a mentor.
Intuitive, very compassionate and an exceptional listener, Benn offered a personalised and systemic approach which he translated for me into tailor made herbal remedies. He followed up each consultation with a phone conversation to ensure I responded well to his treatments and was always available when I needed further information or advice which was very reassuring.
I wish to thank Benn; the remedies he prescribed and his continued support helped me improve in a way I never thought would be possible!
Want to know more about something? Please connect!

Transitions Mentoring
Within you, you have remarkable resources to deal with any time of transition (change or loss) that affects your life.
You just need to [re-]find these resources.
Potential solution: Choose a service that enables you to deal with both the acute/current problem – a transition, loss, bereavement – and empowers you towards your own independence towards the future.
Do this and you’ll attain incredibly powerful results and clarity. Click here for more information.

Being 35 – 65 [in midlife] is a potent time of challenge when you become increasingly aware of mortality and death – of parents, of family – even your own… Parents age, children grow, things change and life demands so much…
Everything gathered together makes coping impossible as heartbreaks, sanity and conflicting emotions struggle to deal with such demands. And you feel a sense of loss of self; even traumatised.
Potential solution: Choose a holistic Midlifer Life-Changing bespoke service that’s, personalised to you and your needs.
Options include: herbal medicine, personalised mentoring and care to explore and find your own sense of well-being. Click here for more information.

End of Life & Living Funerals
Each individual is unique and deserves their opportunity to celebrate their life whilst hale of mind, if not hale in body. To lift a glass with loved ones, to smile, to touch, to hug, to have one last dance. To laugh; to cry.
Potential solution: Living funerals or “awake wakes” are special, well-held spaces for one at end of life to say their farewells in person. For family and friends to make memories; share love; to remember the beauty of life, even as life is fading.
You get to celebrate your life together unrestricted by chapel times and death getting in the way. Click here for more information.

Dealing with Death
At death, the person we knew is no more. Losing their personality changes everything and forms much of the grief you may face – you may longer hold them, care for them, or experience their presence for they are silent. But your love is not.
Cultural beliefs may include don’t discuss “it” for it may be contagious; ignore it; fear it; don’t acknowledge it. If you follow these ideas, then death can’t overwhelm you…
These old customs encourage keeping silent about the painful, frightening things of life. Whilst no one may listen to how you feel, they will tell you should deal with your emotions, to fix your mind, thoughts and feelings. Question is: how would you like to feel?
Potential solution: When you choose to release bottled up emotions without judgement, you’ll feel cared for and released from the darkness of pain.
This can be achieved by regaining perspective of your life through airing what you’re thinking and feeling about your grief. With a person detached from the rest of your world in a safe, confidential environment. Click here for more information.

There are many ways to design or host a funeral. For some people, tradition is essential; for others, a service without the sombre, formalised rituals suits them as a preference.
Many modern funerals are personalised with a blend of tradition with modern ritual that fits the one who has died, and their family. Whether this is religious, secular, with or without spirituality.
Potential solution: You require a completely different way of doing a funeral. One that encompasses the one who has died; their and your beliefs and rituals; one that fulfils your needs as you say farewell in whatever way works for you. For you have designed and created a funeral you’ll cherish and value by working with a professional. Click here for more information.

Grief & Bereavement
Grief – the experience of loss and how you deal with it – is very individual to you.
Loss comes in many forms; the end of a life, the end of a relationship, the end of a role at work, significant life changes such as moving home or a health crisis…
One description of grief is “heartbreak”, a devastation that may influence an entire life, to be invisibly ingrained with far-reaching effects.
How you respond to these knocks and heartbreaks depends upon your resilience and perspective.
Potential solution: When you gain a fresh perspective, you arrive at a place you can deal with something that [invisibly] traps you. On release, you can regain your inner strength to face life. Click here for more information.